Eduporium Eduporium

Simple Questions

What an exam can be without questions where one needs to check the correct answer?

Eduporium Simulator supports 3 major types of simple questions:

  • Single choice
  • Multiple choice
  • Filling in blanks

Testing Modes

Eduporium Simulator can run in two modes.

  • Self-preparation

    When taking this test, you can view the correct answers. If you doubt about your choice, you can view the correct answer.

  • Virtual exam

    This mode is made for assessing your knowledge. No hints or correct answers can be seen until the testing is finished.

Reviewing Results

Once your testing is finished, go ahead and review your answers. For your convenience, you can select.

  • All questions in this session
  • Questions with incorrect answers
  • Questions where you have given no answers
  • Questions you have marked

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